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Application - Rogue (SWP Re-roll.)

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Application - Rogue (SWP Re-roll.) Empty Application - Rogue (SWP Re-roll.)

Post  Sunlea Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:22 pm

1. Character Info
- Name: Sunlea
- Race: (Female) Blood Elf
- Class: Rogue
- Armory Link:
- Days Played: Laughably only 16 days here, ~150 on my ex-main.

2. Your Info
- Name: Matt
- Age: 18
- Location: England

3. What is your current guild and the reasons for leaving it?
<Good Girls Gon Bad>, only joined today, have never been in a guild here (will understand my situation after next question) and I saw an ad in /2 and went for it. Much prefer the idea of being here.

4. List your previous guilds with your experience in these guilds:
My ex-main is a Resto Shaman alliance-side on Silvermoon EU, with whom I've been in a few guilds including <Alter Ego> (Learned 4/5MH and 6/9BT with) and <Silence> (killed up to Eredar Twins). After a much-welcomed break for exams in summer, i returned to raiding with <Genesis>, where I killed 5/6 SWP and spent quite a few nights wiping on Kil'Jaeden until finally getting him down shortly before leaving, having experienced all the TBC content. No previous guilds on this character.

5. Why do you want to join us? What are your goals in WoW?
The advertisement I saw in /2 from 'Belicus' was highly appealing to me. My aim on Magtheridon is to re-roll horde-side for WotlK, which my rogue gives me the perfect opportunity to do. Your average SSC/TK guilds do not contain high-end experienced players, so when I saw the ad saying that SWP players were creating a lower-content guild I nearly spat out my drink, it's perfect. Smile

6. What can you offer us?
Well I like to think I can offer you an experienced, skilled and active member of the raid team to help with re-clearing content i'm sure most of us have seen before and having some fun raiding before WotlK comes out. At that point I aim to be 80 quickly and being in the thick of the 80 end-game raiding with you guys Smile

7. Are you able to meet our raid times explained earlier in the post?
Absolutely, no problem

8. What's your experience like? What bosses have you killed in SSC/TK?
Explained earlier, 4/4 TK (killed Kael pre-nerf, even saw a phoenix drop ;P) and 6/6 SSC.

9. Resistance gear:

10. Do you have:
- Mic: Yes
- Can you use that mic?: Yes
- Ventrilo: Yes
- Good Connection: Yes
- Good PC: Yes

11. Your talent spec, and why you chose it: 20/41/0 (Combat Swords). Rogues have one of the most obvious talent trees, with the combat talents unmissable if you want to pump any kind of DPS in high end raids (especially the +hit bonus), and of course swords the most profitable specialisation.

12. Any extras which boosts your e-peen:
Not really sure what to say here Smile I haven't been playing all that long, in fact I was only level 48 when TBC came out (not even my shaman, obviously) so i'm pretty proud of how much i've progressed in a relatively short time compared to other people. I'm also pretty proud to have experienced all the content that TBC has had to offer, and i've spent a long time playing the ugliest class in the game, male draenei, that must mean something, right? Razz

Thanks for hearing me out, and just to clarify this is an application to the guild that Belicus was describing, as opposed to FatKids.. etc.


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Application - Rogue (SWP Re-roll.) Empty Re: Application - Rogue (SWP Re-roll.)

Post  Spinbleed Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:58 am

As for now we are currently having LOADS and LOADS of rogues wanting to join, and your gear just doesn't pull it off atm. It's enough for SSC/TK yes, but we are looking for abit extra to speed through the instances.

Your experience is very nice though, but as I said, we are looking for fast runs, which means that your current gear just doesn't bring us what we need atm, and we have alot of other good rogues wanting to join.

Application Declined.

Thank you for your interest and goodluck in finding another guild.

Best regards,

Guild Master
Guild Master

Male Number of posts : 116
Age : 34
Location : Sweden / Stockholm
Job/hobbies : ©2007 Cision AB Premium-Group Sweden™
Registration date : 2008-09-30

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