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Nurfd, t6 dps warrior. or a t4 tank?

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Nurfd, t6 dps warrior. or a t4 tank? Empty Nurfd, t6 dps warrior. or a t4 tank?

Post  Nurfd Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:18 pm

1. What's your...
- Characters name? : Nurfd
- Race? : Tauren
- Level? : 70
- Class? : Warrior
- Current Server? : Magtheridon

2. What's your current Spec? : Fury, 17/44/0
- Are you willing to Respec if it's needed? : Yup
- What spec you're going to use if we'll decide to take you? : Any needed.

3. What's your Professions? : Lw 375
- Do you have any 'rare recipes'?: Not yet, just lvled it for drums

4. Do you have any alts and if you do - how much do you spend your time on them? : Got a hunter, a rogue, a mage and a druid, all lvl 70. Not much time spent on them nowadays.

5. What Guilds have you been in, and why did you leave / got kicked out of them? : Was in the real definition, went holidays for 10days then when i got back the first raid had a party which i had to go, when i logged after i was kicked, when i asked why, answer i got was ''too inactive''.. After that My care cup but since i didnt like the raiding and all in there, too hardcore, most, including GMs raided for epics and not fun which turned out bad for people who wanted fun. After that i joined agony, which disbanded. Then i formed my guild, reckless, which will be mentioned later on Smile

Me, irl.:

6. What's your name? : Nikolas
- How old are you? : 17
- Location? : Greece
- Do you have a good-enough computer/internet so we can trust that you won't get disconnected/lagspikes in middle of the fight? Yes, never had problems so far with either the net or the pc.

7. How active i am? [b] Im quite active, can raid anyday/anytime, but would rather not raid fridays/saturdays.

8. What kinda PvE-experience i have? (including Pre-bc) :
ZG: Farm(Resto druid)
MC: Farm(Resto druid)
AQ20: Farm(Resto druid)
BWL: Farm(Resto druid)
AQ40: Most of it, only fight i really remember is Cthun thoughOo (Resto druid)
Naxx: Razuvius and anub. (Resto druid)

Karazhan: Cleared( as a healer druid, a druid tank, a boomkin, a prot warrior, a fury warrior, a bm hunter, and as in all speccs of a mage)
Gruul: Cleared (as a healer druid, a boomkin, a fury warrior, a bm hunter and as in all speccs of a mage)
Magtheridon: Downed ( as druid tank, healer druid, boomkin, fury warrior, bm hunter, and fire/frost mage)
Zul'Aman: Cleared( 5 bosses as a resto druid, full as fury warrior)
SSC: Cleared (as boomkin, healer druid, fury warrior)
TK: Cleared (as boomkin, healer druid, fury warrior, void reaver down with fire mage)
Hyjal: Cleared (as fury warrior, resto druid 5/5)
Black Temple: Cleared (as fury warrior, resto druid 7/9)
Sunwell Plateau: Downed kalecgos, brut on 17%(fury war)

9. Is there anyone in the guild who could vouch for you?: Not sure;/

10. Why me? : Well im active, skilled, experienced, dedicated and loyal. I know the game, pvp-wise and pve-wise, raided with many chars, pvped with many aswell. I generally know the game and i guess im far away from quitting:)

11. If there's anything you want to do add, this is the place:

My general experience:

Seeing the pvp side, i reached 2.2k(2v2), 2.3k(3v3) on my druid as resto, 2k(2v2) on my mage, 1900ish(2v2) on my warrior though didnt pvp a lot with him. Didnt really pvp with the rest of my chars.

My general experience now, well ive raid leaded kinda a lot of instances, raid leaded all the heroics and stuff(nothing hard, i know:p), raid leaded whole zg, mc, bwl, first boss in aq40, whole kara, whole za, gruuls, mags, most of ssc and tk(except kael).

Leaded a guild pre tbc which cleared zg and mc in only a week of raiding, that was not when mc was easily done, but it disbanded due to all officers going inactive and couldnt lead the guild on my own, nor find good enough officers. (Haomarush)

Also leaded a guild in tbc, which cleared everything up to kael(before the patch that removed pre quests for bt/hyjal, but after the removal of ssc/tk pre quests). Disbanded again due to inactivity, was a dead server, hard to replace those who left.(Dentarg)

And lately, leaded Reckless but after clearing 4/5 Hyjal, we need some more people and officers for further progress, which is kind of raelly hard to find lately.

My gear:

My current gear isnt what i prefer, but more like my best option. Gear isnt bad, but can be upgraded a lot. As fury, i would use supremus neck, teron's cloak, boots from ros(t6 prefered though:p), t6 shoulders, t6 belt, illidari's head, illidan's ring. Chest i guess im gonna stick to midnight, some more upgrades in sunwell for me aswell.

For prot? Well i currently have full t4 gear, and could use many upgrades which are pretty obvious.


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Nurfd, t6 dps warrior. or a t4 tank? Empty Re: Nurfd, t6 dps warrior. or a t4 tank?

Post  Spinbleed Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:46 pm

Greetings Nurfed,

I recognize you since long time ago, werent you a GM for a guild or so?

You might recognize me as Gorebyss (7/8 t6 rogue with spectral tiger).

Anyways, looks fine, /w me ingame and we'll have a little chat.

Application is Accepted.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Guild Master
Guild Master

Male Number of posts : 116
Age : 34
Location : Sweden / Stockholm
Job/hobbies : ©2007 Cision AB Premium-Group Sweden™
Registration date : 2008-09-30

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